Total price £113.94

Product Description

Contact Poi represents one of the latest innovations in poi spinning and we're pretty sure is bound to change the way we feel about the whole art any day now.

The possibilities and potential for new tricks and moves have blown wide open! With the PX3-esque knobs (as used on the outstanding Play range of juggling clubs), users are able to let go of their poi mid-throw to dazzling effect. The knob is the perfect counter-weight for daring throws giving you more control and better judgement as to where your props are in the air. Furthermore, you can go from more traditional poi routines to isolations and body-rolling moves as if using a plastic contact ball. This is because the individual poi ends are 80mm/150g Stage balls! Immediately you can start to imagine the possibilities. You will be able to switch your style of play suddenly, completely changing the pace and character of your routines.
The length of string is easily adjustable for users of all ages and sizes. The ball ends themselves are very slightly sticky and the ideal weight for contact moves.

Yet another very impressive product from Play. Being such a versatile prop we're very excited to see which direction customers decide to take their prop. This is truly a set of poi which can reflect your own individuality.

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