3 Juggle-Light LED Club Multi - 3 Juggle Dream SuperNova Fire Torch - BAG - POSTCARD - RRP £185.93
Total price £241.95

Product Description

The deal contains 3pc Multi Light LED juggling clubs and 3pc JD Supernova Fire Torch, Jd Club bag and Oddballs Postcard RRP £185.93.

Juggle-Light LED One Piece Juggling Club - 'Multi-Light'

This offering from Juggle-Light is a budget LED option that doesn't disappoint. The One piece clubs have been constructed in a similar fashion to the Play One Piece club but fitted with an LED kit in the knob and head.

This is an entry level prop and a great introductory product into the world of LED. Best used in total darkness with no other light sources. Significantly cheaper than professional, composite club choices from brands like Concentrate and Kosmos but still a lot of fun and visually impressive. A great choice for hobby jugglers looking for night time fun.

The clubs are very durable but a little tough on the palms. The rounded knobs also make these suitable for club swinging. This variation comes fitted with 2 x 'Multi-Light' LED units which offer patterns and colours in the formats listed below. Each Light Unit carries 3 banks of lights/patterns (known as A, B & C). Please note that each set comes with instructions and becomes intuitive after a little getting used to.

Bank A - 7 solid colours - Press the Unit Button once to change Colour

Bank B - ...whilst on RED in Bank A - double tap the Unit Button. Bank B offers various patterns changing colours and accelerating in speed. Tap once to freeze the speed and once again to continue. Double Press the Unit Button to get to the next Pattern.

Bank C ...whilst on ORANGE in Bank A, double tap the Unit Button. Here you'll find 4 patterns with 2 colours exchanging tracer lengths. Press once to freeze, once again to resume. Double Tap to get to the next pattern. You'll then find 3 further 2 colour patterns, a Fade Function and some pretty wild alternating colours which you can freeze on by pressing the Unit Button once. Have a look at the image below to get a good idea of these functions.

Juggle Dream SuperNova Fire Torch

A nicely weighted, good looking quality fire juggling torch from Juggle Dream.

The SuperNova features paraffin stopper, rubber knob, holographic decoration and silver wrapped handle for soft catches.

Amazing value!

Juggle Dream Club Bag

Carry your clubs from place to place with this neat, drawstring bag - can also hold anything you like!

Oddballs Postcard

What a way to send the juggle love! With this nostalgic circus origin snapshot postcard, you can connect with those you love the most and share a bit of history from the UK's oldest circus company.

Please read the Oddballs Fire Safety Information prior to making your purchase.

It is important to us that customers understand how to use their prop safely and properly manage the risks involved in fire performance.

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