Oddballs 95mm LED CONTACT BALL - Multi-function - Twist - Bargain basement - RRP £24.99
Total price £103.95

Product Description

Bargain Basement items are practically perfect with cosmetic imperfections. Odd colours, marks/scratches, scuffs and discontinued stock all sold at a discounted price.

This is both a great stage LED juggling ball and a perfect contact ball. The larger size adding to the visual impact of your performance when juggled. The Oddballs LED Contact Ball is ideal for contact jugglers who prefer larger single ball manipulation and are looking for a prop to play with at night. The Oddballs LED contact ball has a nice grippy, matte surface and even weight distribution making it ideal for body rolling and contact. The super-bright multi-function LED units give a nice even distribution of light making isolations more convincing. The multi-function LED unit is recessed within the ball and is hidden beneath a small plastic plug which sits flush with the surface of the ball. The various light functions are accessed by rotating the battery cover. Each time the ball is switched off and on the light will cycle to the next function. Available functions are: red, green, blue, yellow, turquoise, purple, orange, white, morphing fade, 1 second - cut change, fast strobe. This contact ball is powered by 3 x LR44 button cell batteries. These batteries are available on our battery section on the website or related products below.

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