Gora Thai Staff - Double bladed
Total price £241.95

Product Description

The classic recipe of a fire show is “Faster, Higher and MOOORE FIRE!”. Technically, the thai staff is a long spinner staff with an enormous amount of fire!

The thai staff is made from a 15 x 1 mm duraluminum tube. It resists the heat of the fire wonderfully and makes a very lightweight prop, however it is somewhat fragile so it is important to take care during transport, i.e. do not step on your thai staff.

The handling part in the middle is covered with the SuperGrip® which grants excellent hold.

Sillicone Disc protectors save your hands from the huge flames creeping up the staff as long as you keep spinning at least slowly. It is however important you do not perform static, vertical positions especially at the beginning of your show when the flames are still too large and hot!

The design of the fire blade is similar to that of the Fire Contact Sword or the Flying Sword.

Darth Maul is a long-term user of the Thai Staff and our most hardcore tester. We believe he could have won even this fight against two Jedi, had he used the fire version of the thai staff!

Please read the Oddballs Fire Safety Information prior to making your purchase.

It is important to us that customers understand how to use their prop safely and properly manage the risks involved in fire performance.

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