3 JD Crystal Clear Acrylic Ball - 75 Mm - 3 BAG - POSTCARD - RRP £98.47

Product Description

This deal contains 3pc JD Acrylic ball 75mm, 3pc Oddballs Contact ball Pouches and Oddballs Postcard


The 75mm acrylic contact ball is the ideal beginner’s ball as it is good for both single and multi-ball contact. This means you can start learning with just one and simply add to it if you want to play with more. If you think a single ball is more likely to be your thing, it is worth considering the larger sizes as they tend to be more stable for isolations and body rolls as well as visually more impressive. This ball is heavy so a warm-up is recommended beforehand as extended periods of playing can be tiring on the hands, wrists, and arms.


Warning! – These balls are lenses and will set fires, keep them covered!


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